Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I don't know about other countries, but Americans seem obsessed with resolutions for the new year. I try not to set up too many, or I try to keep the ones I have flexible. Part of my problem is I'll forget the resolution. If I make a list of resolutions, I'll forget that I made it most likely, or if I remember its exiestence, I'll forget where I put it until I eventually forget I wrote them down. Anyway, I'll try posting something on the blog I never write to (another resolution, but I'll spare the unfortunate reader the details), in hopes of coming up with better results.

So, like all knitters, I've got stash, too much for an apartment the size of a walk-in closet (not much of an exaggeration - really!). Below is my own personal version of Wendy Johnson's Knit-From-Your-Stash-a-Thon (www.wendyknits.net)

1. The Knit-From-Your-Stash-a-Thon will start January 1, 2007 and run through December 31st, 2007 -- a period of 12 months.

2. I will not buy any yarn during that period, with the following exceptions:

  • Sock yarn does not count. (If I end up with a box of new sock yarn, I may have to change/delete this exception.)
  • If someone asks for a specific knitted gift that I really and truly do not have the yarn for, we may buy yarn to knit that gift.
  • If I am knitting something and run out of yarn, I may purchase enough to complete the project.
  • I get two "Get Out of Jail Free" cards -- I am allowed to fall off the wagon twice. {Wendy's is set for nine months - mine is set for 12; I figure I deserve two tumbles off said yarn wagon.}

3. I am allowed to receive gifts of yarn.

4. Trading stash is allowed.

5. Spinning fiber of any sort is exempt. {Heh heh, I just took up spinning...my cunning plan is to spin if I can't control the need to acquire more yarn...bwa ha ha ha!}

6. I will finish all UFOs, or frog them, and get them out of my life!

It remains to be seen how long this will last; I bought some yarn Saturday (nothing exciting) for a pillow I had promised last year, long before I came across KFYS. I suspect the gift one will be the one to cause me the most trouble and trips to the yarn shop. Also, this does not cover books, magazine, needles and other knitting toys. I'll keep track of those purchases here, too - not that I think they'll be interesting reading but if I'm going to shame myself publicly, I might as well do it well and thoroughly, instead of half-assed. I certainly consider myself a half-assed knitter; someone else has claimed the title {http://halfassedknitter.blogspot.com/} so I'll just have to be one without the honorific. I'll start posting photos and readers can see for themselves what half-assed truly is. Who knows, the only attention I may get as a knitter could be as an example of how not to knit.

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